Senior Capstone Design: Telescope Module Controller
Hotflex: Post-print Customization of 3D Prints Using Embedded State Change
CHI 2016 Best Paper Honorable Mention
Wireless Power Transfer using magnetic metamaterials to enhance efficiency
LeapFashion: a Wearable LED Dress controlled online with Leap-Motion sensor
[HackIllinois 2015]
Hand-Driven Robotic Hand
Infrared Digital Communication System
Voxel8: 3D Electronics Printing
Lewis Research Group at Harvard University
MEMS Heat Actuator Fabrication and Testing
BurgerTime: Game development using Java
CSSE220: Object-Oriented Software Dev.
Final Team Project
Building the RepRap Prusa Mendel V.2 3D printer
Photolithography: Manufacturing Device for Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
Asteroid Photometry Research in Fall 2012